Indoor Air Quality Services By Freshbreeze
We at Freshbreeze provide end to end Indoor Air Quality services (testing and monitoring) for organizations within the UK to ensure safe in door environments. Our team of specialists gives the independent consultation and develops the individual approach to the ventilation systems of offices, schools, hospitals, and other commercial spaces to upgrade the air condition.
What is Indoor Air Quality?
That kind of logic is to imagine there is a big soup that floats around in the air and we are swimming in it. At some point it [this soup] may contain things that are not really healthy when we breathe them. These could be particles of dirt, stinking fumes from paints or cleaning agents, or even a very small living forms of fungi known as mould spores. Indoor air quality, literally speaking, means on what level of clean and healthy this air soup can be.
What is there to Lose about Reducing Indoor Air Pollution?
You may already be asking yourself, “Why does this matter?” Okay, let’s estimate how many hours a day you spend inside a building, in a car, at a workplace, and the like. It is air with which you breathe while in school, at home watching television or while playing electronic games. If you are experiencing symptoms and this air is not quality clean air it can make you feel sick. You may end up with a blocked nose, begin to cough, or find that you always feel so exhausted. Nobody wants that!
How Freshbreeze Helps
That’s where Freshbreeze comes in handy. We’re like air detectives! There are special machines we use to sample the air in structures and determine if there is something unpleasant in it. Here’s what we do:
1. Air Testing: It sounds complicated to you, but using these smart machines, we can figure out how much dust is up there, and if there are any stinky gases.
2. Ventilation Checks: We ensure that the building has proper techniques of venting fresh air and expelling contaminated air. Like curtains but sometimes buildings have special mechanisms for opening them.
3. Problem Solving: When there is something wrong with the air, we look for the most innovative ways to correct the situation. It may require installation of additional air purification techniques or altering the operation of the buildings HVAC system.
4. Teaching: We also educate people on things such as how they can maintain clean air in their homes. It is like learning a superpower against air baddies fight.
Fun Facts About Indoor Air
Did you know:
• The air inside can sometimes be more polluted than the air outside, even in big cities!
• Plants can help clean the air in your room. They’re like nature’s air filters!
• Opening windows for just 5-10 minutes a day can really help improve your indoor air quality.
Ways of Ensuring Your Air Remains as Clean As Possible
How You Can Help Keep Your Air Clean
You can be an air quality superhero too! Here are some easy things you can do:
• Open your windows for a bit each day to let fresh air in.
• Don’t forget to dust and vacuum regularly.
• Tell a grown-up if you notice any weird smells or if the air feels stuffy.
What is indoor air quality?
IAQ on the hand is described as the quality of inside air, particularly effects of this environment on people within buildings.
What is meant by Indoor Air Quality?
It can be considered that healthy indoor environment is necessary for individuals’ health, comfort, and productivity. Poor IAQ results in various diseases to people and the normal diseases that are experienced are respiratory diseases, allergies and many other complications if taken to a long term basis.
How do you know that actually the air that you breathe inside your home is unhealthy?
Indoor environment studies use indicators of indoor air quality, these are things such as persistent smells, dust deposits, mould, and any time occupants complain of diseases such as headaches, fatigue, or respiratory problems when in the building.
What are some of the features that influence IAQ?
The influencing factors includes air changes, temperature changes, change in relative humidity and changes in the amounts of the pollutants either from internal sources such as building materials or furnishing or from outside air.
How frequently should the indoor air be analyzed for quality?
IAQ can be tested actively, but there are no specific standards for when it should be done, but examples of when it should be tested include; when there are changes in the air quality, after doing a renovation or when the occupants of a building feel ill frequently without any known reason. Annual check-ups for a few pollutants, such as radon gas, are advisable according to some researchers.
Wrapping Up
These principles shall be guiding the use of clean air for everybody. As a company at Freshbreeze, we have been striving to ensure that the air in all buildings in the UK is pure as is possible. The next time you draw air into your lungs indoors, you might want to consider how much effort goes into making that air as clean as Freshbreeze!If you or your parents want to know more on how Freshbreeze can make your air extra clean, feel free to log on to our website or contact us at Freshbreeze. I hope this bonus feature helps us all be assured that everyone enjoys fresh and healthy air!Happy breathing, friends!