Dust and Air Quality Assessments Camden by FreshBreeze

The London Borough of Camden (LBC) is recognised for having some of the UK’s most stringent air quality planning regulations. The entire borough has been designated as an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), with most of it exceeding the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) air quality guidelines for PM2.5. Camden Council, as part of its Air Quality Assessments Camden Action Plan, became the first local authority in the UK to adopt WHO guideline limits for air pollution.

When is an Air Quality Assessment Needed in Camden?

Camden shares the basic air quality assessment requirements with the rest of London. Air quality neutral assessments are necessary for all planning applications, while air quality positive statements are required for major developments. The LBC’s Air Quality Supplementary Planning Guidance further details these requirements.

Additionally, the LBC requires Construction Management Plans (CMP) for most developments, providing a framework to minimise construction impacts, including dust emissions. Developments in Camden must provide an air quality dust risk assessment and dust management plans to support CMPs, ensuring dust emissions do not adversely impact locals’ health and well-being.

Dust and Air Quality Assessments Camden Ease With FreshBreeze

At FreshBreeze, we specialise in providing bespoke air quality dust risk assessments and dust management plans in Camden, ensuring compliance with stringent local regulations. Our personalised and expert advice helps clients make informed decisions. If you require dust consultancy services in Camden or have questions about our services, feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

Air Quality Assessments Camden (AQA)

You will need to include an air quality assessment with your planning application for:

  • All major developments
  • Developments involving biomass boilers, biomass or gas CHP
  • Substantial earthworks or demolitions
  • Any development significantly impacting air quality, directly or indirectly

Information Required in an Air Quality Assessment

The content of an air quality assessment depends on whether a basic or detailed air quality statement is needed. The AQA should include measures to mitigate impacts to acceptable levels, proportionate to the development’s scale and type.

All AQAs must comply with GLA policy on the Control of Dust and Emissions During Demolition and Construction 2014 (SPG):

  • Sites with high or medium dust impact risk levels require real-time dust (PM10) monitoring with MCERTS ‘Indicative’ equipment.
  • Real-time dust monitoring sites must complete a three-month baseline monitoring period before any construction or demolition works commence.

Basic Air Quality Assessment

A basic AQA should include:

  • A review of air quality around the development site using existing monitoring and/or modelling data.
  • An assessment of construction-phase air quality impacts with detailed mitigation methods for controlling dust and pollution emissions from plant and vehicles.
  • An indication of the number of receptors exposed to poor air quality due to the development, showing their location on a map. The significance of air pollution exposure should be quantified using the “Air Quality Impact Significance Criteria – New Exposure” outlined in the NSCA Guidance Note.
  • An outline and justification of mitigation measures associated with the development’s design, location, and operation to reduce air pollution and exposure to poor air quality. In areas of poor air quality, demonstrate that the building design reduces occupant exposure from the earliest stages, considering orientation, elevation, and the use of green infrastructure.

Detailed Air Quality Assessment

A detailed AQA should include:

  • Air quality dispersion modelling data in accordance with the London Councils Air Quality and Planning Guidance.
  • An indication of the number of receptors exposed to poor air quality due to the development, showing their location on a map. The significance of air pollution exposure should be quantified using the “Air Quality Impact Significance Criteria – New Exposure” outlined in the NSCA Guidance Note.
  • An outline and justification of mitigation measures associated with the development’s design, location, and operation to reduce air pollution and exposure to poor air quality. In areas of poor air quality, demonstrate that the building design reduces occupant exposure from the earliest stages, considering orientation, elevation, and the use of green infrastructure.

Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Considering that we spend most of our time indoors, whether at home, work, or in commercial buildings, the quality of indoor air is crucial. Continuous exposure to indoor air pollutants poses significant health risks, making it essential to ensure a safe indoor living environment. Vulnerable groups, such as individuals with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, the chronically ill, young children, and the elderly, are at higher risk from poor indoor air quality.

At FreshBreeze, we are dedicated to promoting healthier indoor and outdoor environments by providing expert air quality assessments and solutions tailored to your needs.

Let’s Work Together

Improving air quality in Camden requires a united approach. If you’re a developer, business owner, or community leader in Camden, let’s collaborate to:

  • Ensure that projects comply with the latest environmental standards, making them resilient against future regulations.
  • Protect vulnerable areas such as schools and care homes from the impacts of nearby traffic and pollution.
  • Enhance your organization’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) visibility while promoting sustainable practices that benefit the community.

Every air quality assessment I conduct is more than just a report; it serves as a roadmap for clients throughout Camden to achieve cleaner air.Contact us today to discuss how we can assess and implement air quality improvements in Camden, because every breath matters.

Contact: info@freshbreezeeltd.co.uk | Based in Birmingham, Serving Camden


  • Mobile: 07774803184
  • Phone: 01218272737